About Us

Who is Real Time Projects?

Real Time Guest House and Security companies are owned and managed solely by Sampo Philip Masimong. The property was purchased in 2012 and Mr Masimong have worked the property this past years preparing to open the guest house. The Company fully understands the aim of the Employment Equity Act. We will reflect the representivity of the demographics of the Country in the Company. As a Company we are conversant with all the laws governing labor. To this end the company has committed itself to make statutory contributions stipulated in the Skills Development Act. The company will pay for further education of its employees and would encourage employees to use this opportunity for furthering and developing their educational skills.

Mr Phillip Masimong

Managing Director

Mission | Vision | Values

Create and maintain the spirit of trus tand co-operation between the client and the company. Ensure customers satisfaction and on-going commitment and constant upgrading of skills. To promote and implement innovative security solutions to our clients while maintaining ethics, integrity and transparency.

We aspire to be the most dynamic and undisputed leader in the Security industry, setting and maintaining good standards of services, thereby bringing about a culture of caring in the South African business environment. While also building a profitable and stable company.

We are committed to:
Integrity: To establish a reputable business that put people first (BathoPele) and practice what we promise.
Recognition: To build a sustainable business by continuously improving strategies and developing employee skills.
Service excellence: Nurture good working relations with our clients & provide impeccable service at all times to our customer satisfaction.
Profitability: To create employment and overall economic growth
Punctuality: To render all services on time, every time and yet professionally.

Social Responsibility

The company sees its role as that of empowering its employee’s families (children) through providing bursaries that will assist to educate those that are unable to further their studies due to financial constraints. In this way we believe we should be contributing to the larger community while also building the nation. When we realize the benefit of the latter we can then further develop the structure to accommodate other needs of the community where we operate including caring for older citizens.